About me

Headshot of Sarah Von, a white woman with blond and pink hair and glasses, looking into the camera

I enjoy solving problems with intuitive designs that make things (apps, websites, digital interfaces) useful and usable for as many people as possible. I’m happy working on projects that are globally-minded, civically engaging, or that fulfill human needs and desires on an individual level.

In my previous role as Associate Director of Communications and Digital Content for the University of Massachusetts Amherst College of Engineering, I was a visual communications jack of all trades—I designed and edited graphics and post-production video, maintained and updated multiple websites, and coordinated, designed, and collaborated on the distribution of collateral materials for communications and advancement.

When the College of Engineering started to redesign its website in 2022, I realized the consultants were doing the work I truly aspired to do. I began to strategize on redirecting my existing skills toward being a UX/UI designer. I found Designlab and took a leap!

View my resume

I believe technology should have a positive impact on humanity, which includes being equitable and sustainable. My goal is to enhance human lives and experiences, whether by addressing global challenges or simplifying everyday tasks.

When I’m not designing, I enjoy roller-skating, weightlifting, and singing back-up in a funk & soul band.