
Enable busy adults to discover hobbies and stay motivated to pursue them

Mobile mockup of interest page
joycraft homepage mobile mockup
joycraft menu flow mobile mockup
joycraft footer mobile mockup
joycraft menu flow mobile mockup

Project overview


Joycraft is a new startup business building a skill finding and exploring website. Creators and investors would like to identify a user/customer base and what would be most valuable and engaging for those users in order to establish customer satisfaction and engagement, which will therefore increase traffic and/or revenue.


I wanted to better understand what influences decisions for choosing a skill-learning platform and continuing to use that platform in order to design a site that provides the most value to users.

My impact

My efforts resulted in the creation and refinement of a mobile-first responsive website prototype that received positive feedback from prototype testers, reinforcing my interpretation of the data.

Joycraft (speculative)
160 hours
Figma, FigJam, Miro,, OptimalSort
View final prototype

01. Research

Research plan

Define user goals to achieve business goals

To better understand the market for online skill finding, what provides value to users, and what impacts choosing and continuing to use a platform, I conducted competitive analysis and interviewed potential users.

Research goals


Secondary research

Competitive analysis

I did competitive analysis to explore the functionality and benefits offered by similar platforms. I compared several data points, with an emphasis on features, to discover areas where Joycraft’s user experience should emulate these platforms, ways in which it could improve upon existing platforms, and niche-filling opportunities.

Filterable search pages
Categories page with exposed filters, etc.
Questionnaire to narrow results
Filterable search pages
Categories page with exposed filters, etc.
Questionnaire to narrow results
Filterable search pages
Categories page with exposed filters, etc.
Questionnaire to narrow results
Filterable search pages
Categories page with exposed filters, etc.
Questionnaire to narrow results
LinkedIn Learning
Filterable search pages
Categories page with exposed filters, tags, etc.
Questionnaire to narrow results, suggest topics
View detailed competitive analysis »

User interviews

I interviewed 5 people who had started or continued a hobby in the last 6 months. Common benefits and motivations for having hobbies were similar among subject, and there were standouts for what hindered follow-through.

Health (5 of 5 users)
Mental health, brain health, and/or physical health benefits
Part of a community (3 of 5 users)
Connecting with like-minded enthusiasts
Resource for others (3 of 5 users)
Fulfillment from helping others on their skill-building journey
Motivations to continue
Social support (2 of 5 users) Receiving support and encouragement from others
Achievement (2 of 5 users)
Reaching milestones and goals, recognition from others
Incentives (2 of 5 users)
Built-in rewards systems in apps or "temptation bundling"
Frustrations and de-motivators
Lack of time (5 of 5 users)
All users experience time constraints as a significant issue
Lack of energy (5 of 5 users)
Hard to do hobbies after long, tiring workdays, household tasks
Hard to troubleshoot (3 of 5 users)
Leaves them feeling stuck and unable to progress in their hobbies


I determined that the user I’m designing for is a busy professional who wants to take some time for themselves by learning new skills and hobbies. They prefer online learning because they can do it on their schedule. Their go-to resources are blogs and YouTube. They are easily discouraged when they can’t troubleshoot or progress.

Persona headshot for Samira Hadid

Samira Hadid, 40

Inquisitive Introvert

Samira loves to learn but gets anxious in group situations, which is why she prefers online learning. Her go-to resources are blogs and YouTube. She’s innately curious and excited to start new hobbies, but gets discouraged when she can’t troubleshoot problems.
“I love challenging myself with new skills and doing something that’s good for my brain.”
Needs and Goals
  • Brain health
  • Gauge how much time and effort is required to learn a skill
  • Easy way to find support and resources
  • Being a resource for others
  • Being well-rounded
  • Positive feedback
Frustrations and Pain Points
  • De-motivated when she can’t find a solution online
  • Time and energy are often lacking
  • Can’t sustain interest if the learning curve is too steep
Persona headshot for Aaron Loeb

Aaron Loeb, 32

Community-seeking Extrovert

Aaron is very invested in his two hobbies, cycling and home improvement. He’s always looking for new sub-skills. He’s outgoing and likes to get involved in local meet-ups, but does a fair amount of skill-learning online. His biggest frustration is not having time because of his demanding job.
“I started my biking hobby for health but it’s become a part of my identity.”
Needs and Goals
  • Physical and mental health
  • Know how much money and equipment is needed
  • Interaction with other enthusiasts
  • Being a resource for others
  • Saving money
  • Being eco-friendly
Frustrations and Pain Points
  • Time and energy are often lacking
  • Find some online resources tedious to navigate or don’t vet their content well


How might we reduce decision fatigue for people excited to learn something new?

How might we keep busy adults motivated to cultivate new skills and hobbies?

02. Define

Ideation & prioritization

The project constraints included a short timeline, awareness of developer constraints, a limited pool for user interviews and usability tests, and the need to produce all content and a full design system.

I prioritized the highest-value features:

Information architecture

Card sorting

Users sorted interests into groups and organized other content pages: sitemap

User & task flows

The most important task flows provide ways to find a suitable interest. Initially I developed flows for finding via a search from the homepage and via an elaborate dropdown menu.

Two task flows for arriving at an interest overview page (Origami)

03. Design

Low fidelity wireframes

Knowing that this was a mobile-first approach, I decided to use low fidelity wireframes to think about some desktop layouts, created mid-fidelity wireframes to think through screens for mobile and tablet, and created high fidelity wireframes for high-priority mobile flows and prototyping.


I sketched out 12 logo ideas and further developed three before choosing the "joy craft" as the logo.

For the logo and H1-H3 headings, I chose Ultra (from Google Fonts) because it was bold and aligned with the brand values: creativity, confidence, fun, motivation, and optimism. For smaller subheadings (H4 and below) as well as body text, I chose the typeface Inter (also from Google Fonts).

Joycraft branding and UI kit
4 high fidelity wireframes of the Joycraft user interface

04. Prototype & test

High fidelity wireframes

High fidelity wireframing required further refinement, getting things "pixel perfect," and applying the branding I created using my UI component library. Bringing the brand values into the mix helped focus on the user goals yet again.

Feedback from my mentor and in group critiques helped smooth any remaining rough edges; finally, screen flows were applied to make it ready for user testing.

View prototype

Usability testing

I tested 3 task flows for getting to a specific hobby page (primary user goal). My measures for success were task completion with no errors and feedback that the site is easy to use.

Results were successful overall:

Changes made based on feedback

Based on feedback regarding the search flow, I decided to create a more consistent search pattern — searching from the top of a page or while the dropdown menu is engaged (or any other context not yet designed) opens a search modal:

a before and after comparison of prototype changes made based on feedback

05. Final thoughts & next steps

Final thoughts

Going through a thorough UX design process clarified which skills I already possess and which I should become more familiar with. In my previous work I've built many responsive websites, created several brands, and worked with clients to meet their pre-determined goals, but for this project I prioritized the end-user and took steps to center their wants, needs, and experiences.

Next steps

If I had more time I would build out more flows and test more patterns in the prototype and do more usability testing before moving on to a production website with a development team. The scope and timeline of the project was limited, but I would love to develop it further if the stakeholders want to move forward with the project.

Band Together